ACT books

 🛑 Recommended Books and Articles by roonie : #ACT

Temple Grandin : 

Thinking in pictures 

Animals in Translation ( with Catherine Johnson )

Ann Fadiman :

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down 

Brain Greene : 

The Elegant Universe 

The Hidden Reality 

The Fabric of the Cosmos 

Stephen Hawking : 

The Elusive Theory of Everything ( with Leonard Maldinow )

The Grand Design ( with Leonard Maldinow ) 

A Brief History of Time 

Jhumpa Lahiri : 

Interpreter of Maladies 

The Namesake 

Unaccustomed Earth 

The Lowland 

National Endowment for the Arts : 

Reading at Risk 

Steven Pinker : 

The stuff of Thought 

How the Mind Works 

The Blank Slate 

Michael Pollan : 

The Botany of Desire 

The Omnivore's Dilemma 

In Defense of Food 

Oliver Sacks : 


The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat 


Uncle Tungsten 


Amy Tan : 

The Joy Luck Club 

The Bonesetter's Daughter 

Tom Vanderbilt :

"The Traffic Guru," Wilson Quarterly , Summer 2008


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